One of the most effective ways to study chemical processes is through simulation, often carried out using specialized software. Aspen Plus is among the most comprehensive tools for chemical process simulation, thanks to its extensive database of chemical compounds, properties, and process models. This software enables engineers to simulate and analyze chemical processes with ease and precision.
Data Regression
In statistical modeling, regression analysis is a statistical approach for estimating the relationships among variables. This method includes a variety of techniques for modeling and analyzing unique variables, focusing on the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. Regression analysis is particularly useful for understanding how the value of a dependent variable changes with each independent variable while holding others constant. Its primary application is to estimate the conditional expectation of the dependent variable given specific independent variables, which represents the average value when the independent variables are fixed.
Less commonly, regression analysis may focus on quantiles or location parameters of the conditional distribution of the dependent variable. In all cases, the objective is to estimate a function of the independent variables, known as the regression function. In regression analysis, determining the dispersion of the dependent variable around the regression function is essential, which can often be explained by a probability distribution.
Data Regression in Aspen Plus
This project focuses on data regression for material properties cited in the following research articles, using Aspen Plus software.