Fresh water is of particular importance as one of the vital resources for the growth and development of human societies, especially in areas with a shortage of water resources. With the increase in population and the ever-increasing needs for water resources, the widespread spread of industrial and agricultural activities, and climate change, the need for innovative solutions to provide fresh water is felt more than ever. One of the effective and sustainable methods to produce fresh water is seawater desalination using reverse osmosis technology. This method, by using semi-permeable membranes, is able to remove salts and pollutants in sea water and helps to produce high quality fresh water.
Pre-feasibility of a seawater desalination unit with reverse osmosis method helps to determine the technical, economic and environmental aspects of this project. And it can provide clear views of existing capacities and possible challenges. In this study, we will examine various aspects of this system, such as technical design, required resources, investment costs, and environmental impacts. So that we can do a comprehensive analysis of the capabilities of this method in providing fresh water.
Due to the reduction of fresh water resources in recent years and the growing population and low rainfall in recent years. we will face the consequences of the lack of fresh water in the country. Desalination of sea water by reverse osmosis method is very important today. One of the effective measures for desalination of salt water and sea water is the use of sea water desalinators using reverse osmosis method. including: oil and gas and petrochemicals, urban and rural sewage, fresh water for agriculture, drinking water, and industrial and unfiltered water for factories.
For example, with the help of this method (sea water desalination), it is possible to prepare optimal drinking water from salt water and sea water. The reverse osmosis sea water desalination unit consists of two sections: pre-treatment and desalination. The water first enters a set of pre-treatment systems by means of a booster pump.
Chlorine unit (injection of sodium hypochlorite solution) in order to destroy microorganisms and oxidation of organic materials, sodium metabisulfite injection system to remove residual chlorine, sand filter system to remove suspended materials, antiscalant injection in order to add anti-sediment materials, acid injection in order to adjust water pH And as a result of alkalinity. The cartridge filter is for the final removal of suspended particles. Then the water flow passes through the high pressure pump and enters the reverse osmosis desalination unit for desalination.
Pre-Feasibility Project of Sea Water Desalination Unit With RO
In this project, the economic calculations of the RO unit have been done. (Factory Planning and Economy Project) and has an Aspen plus simulation file.