Introduction The origin of gaseous fuels is different. Some are naturally occurring and others are prepared from the transformation of liquid or solid fuels. Their main […]
Introduction Aspen HYSYS software, as an advanced tool in the simulation of chemical processes, central role in the design, analysis and optimization of these processes. Equation-based […]
Introduction In any organization, depending on the volume and complexity of activities, the rate of knowledge production can exceed the organization’s ability to implement and utilize […]
Introduction A fluid that has particles with nano dimensions is called a nanofluid. These types of fluids are designed by suspended colloidal particles with nano dimensions […]
Merox Unit The UOP Merox process is an economical and effective catalytic process for sweetening petroleum products in order to remove existing sulfur such as mercaptans […]
Unit 115, Phases 9 and 10 of South Pars (butane sweetening by Sulforex method) At the entrance of unit 115, sour butane has the following percentage […]